[Original Doujinshi] Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House ch01

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title: Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House ch01
author: namahamutabehoudai (Haru)
original work published on: 2017-05-06


translation: dareka00
edit: Mai88
proofread: A916
QC: Altair, A916
special thanks: Arashura

10 responses to “[Original Doujinshi] Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House ch01

  1. I thought this is only a one shot but there is already a chapter 2..Wondering if this will be a series or there will be only 2 chapters..🤔


  2. Hello guys!

    First of all. Many thanks for your hard work on the best genre in the world 😄

    Do you already know when you translate the upcoming chapters of this series?😍 the story looks interesting ☺️


    • Hey, thanks for reading! The sequel is already cleaned and translated, it just needs some more proofreading. We don’t know when it’ll be finished but we’re working hard on it! Thank you for your patience.


  3. Very interesting indeed. Is there a sequel? Some manga do have a “chapter 1”, but don’t see much confirmation for sequels.


  4. Hello, first off, thank you for the translation. Secondly, this one is very interesting, may I ask where do you buy it or can you provide me with a link that I can buy it?


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